Vending Machine

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A phone rings, and Jeffrey picks it up. Alyssa tells Jeffrey is he could meet her tomorrow at school during first period. Jeffrey asks her if anything is wrong and she tells him to just come with her. The next day progresses and Jeffrey goes to where is Daniel is. He dabs him up, and tells him that he'll see him after first period. He goes to class and as soon as a few minutes pass he asks to get excused to the restroom. He walks and meets up with Alyssa. He asks her what's wrong and why did they plan a meet up spot. Alyssa just stares and at him and kisses him. She asks if that's okay and he says definitely. Alyssa pulls him between the vending machine and they begin to make out hard. After a little they return to their classes and Jeffrey texts Daniel what just happened. Once Jeffrey tells him what happened, Daniel is visibly angry. Daniel meets up with David after class and tells him what happened. He stops walking after hearing that and continues walking after a small pause. Daniel than tells Brianna and she is visibly saddened as she wanted Jeffrey as well. David walks and talks to Damien and tells him what happened. This obviously pisses him and he punches the locker and swears that he's gonna go after them.

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