Inner Demons

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Michael speaks of his plan to humiliate Daniel to David who tells him why is planing on doing it to begin with. Michael tells him that he's sure that he was the one who sent the video of him around and regardless of whether or not it was him, he's still being targeted just because he pisses him off. Daniel is in constant fear that him making the wrong choice will get him called out if anyone finds out he allowed what happened to happen. Daniel meets with Monica and asks her how is she doing since they haven't been talking for a while already. She tells him that something bad happened and that it's really serious and she doesn't know what to do. Daniel asks what happened but she tells him that she can't tell him. Daniel then asks when did this bad thing happen and she tells him that it happened during Kate's party when she was passed out. Daniel apologizes since he had to leave early and the bad thing that happened to her probably wouldn't have happened. She tells him that it's not his fault and that they are on good terms and they hug. While hugging, Michael comes over and asks Daniel to come with him but Daniel tells him to go away. He doesn't listen and keeps insisting that Daniel follows. He gets up and punches Michael hard in the nose making him fall and bleed. Once again becoming the laughing stock of the school. Daniel walks her out to her bus and tells that everything will get better. It has too

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