Life After

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Law enforcement is closing in the couple and Elizabeth has to decide whether she should continue running with Daniel and his path of self destruction. Daniel finally decides that they should leave the country and live together somewhere else but he's aware of Elizabeth's change in tone and behavior but doesn't acknowledge it. Elizabeth has a plan so that Daniel would decide their fate and how things play out. She has her own gun and she'll point it at him. Earlier she grabbed his gun from his side of the car and unloaded all the bullets. If he pulls the trigger that's the sign that following him is not an option. They stop somewhere remote with another car in the vicinity. Daniel asks Elizabeth to stay in the car and that he'll be back. He leaves and Elizabeth puts her plan In motion. Daniel returns a few minutes later and before he's able to get in the car Elizabeth steps out. She aims her gun at him. He asks her what is she doing, and she tells him to surrender and give himself up to the police. He grabs his gun and points it at her. He tells her to drop it and she refuses. They begin discussing on their problems and their fears and why Daniel should seek some help. He tells her that he's sorry and pulls the trigger only to hear a click. He quickly understands what is happening and gets shot by a devastated Elizabeth. He gets shot in his torso and looks at his wound and back at Elizabeth. She shoots him an additional three times. Daniel lies on the floor in agony and moans. He asks her why did she kill him to which she responds that he carved his own path when he started murdering people. He tells her that she told him that she loved him and now she's the reason he'll die. As long as you recognize that what you've done I can live with. Daniel says he's sorry and that he wasn't born that way. People turned him into this so called monster. She tells him that perhaps that's true but all you needed to do was ask for help. He says perfect with a evil looking grin and she forgives him and he dies in her lap. She begins sobbing and she see's sirens pulling up. The detectives arrive and arrest Elizabeth and notice and identify the girl that was kidnapped and the kidnapper lying dead on the ground.(roads untraveled plays) Elizabeth is taken by Parker to his patrol car and looks out the window as the ambulance take away the body and the screen fades to black.

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