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Detective Parker has Daniel brought in for questioning and they talk for a little about Monica. As their talking Parker feels like something is off and Daniel may know more than he's leading on to believe. But before he's able to stamp him as a suspect, Parker is pulled out to discuss something. Parker finds out that she has bruises on her neck but she died by drowning. So it's either possible that she was strangled and died when pushed over or she got the bruises from some other time and she jumped herself. Either way, he's finding out why she has bruising on her neck. He returns and questions Daniel what he knows about her bruises on her neck and Daniel tells him that he has no clue as to what he's referring too. He then realizes that she had a change in clothing after her raping which explains why she was wearing all those turtlenecks and sweaters that covered her neck. He tells Parker that she probably had those bruises before her death since she never wore turtlenecks before. Parker thanks him for his time and let's him go.  Parker goes and investigates as to why she had bruising and he speaks to one of the guys that she had been seen entering his car. The man admits that she would call him to pick her up and they'd go back to his place where they would have sex. He admits that he'd play a little rough but that's because she asked for it. Parker arrests the man and the man is confused as to why. Parker arrests him for the raping of a minor and someone is watching this from afar. Daniel goes to the store to buy some groceries that his mom asked him to buy and he runs into AJ. They both talk about what happened to Monica and AJ reminds Daniel that Damien wants to talk about something to him. Daniel assures him that he'll talk to Damien as soon as he has time to see him and walks away with AJ watching him as he leaves

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