~Requested by tinyravenclaw~

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This was requested by tinyravenclaw, Thank you so much for requesting!

So before you read this, I would just like to clarify there will be now smut!  Because I am a wuss, and I can not yet write it yet. Although Holy Water would still be appreciated. That way I am prepared for the future. 

And Voldy is non-existent here...

OK here we go...


Potions was just as boring as usual. Nothing really new. 

Although, my day did brighten up when I saw a lock of white snowy hair enter the dim classroom, he gladly walked over a took a seat next to me. 

"How was transfiguration?" I asked, as Draco unloaded the large amount of books out of his bag. 

"A bore, how about you?" He asked, he was never a fan of transfiguration. Even though it is his second to best subject. 

"Ancient runes is always interesting, you should try it sometime" I replied, as I got out my potions books. 

"No thanks, I rather Defense Against the Dark Arts. Now that's an enjoyable class" Draco gave me a wink as he said this. I just rolled me eyes at his whimsical behavior. I looked straight forward as class began, trying to ignore the broad amount of butterflies erupting in the pits of my stomach. I was no doubt attracted to Draco, he was every speck of perfection to me. The way his hair swiveled to the side in a messy but attractive way, and the way his pearly grey eyes would move across the room in a swift motion. He was tall too, about a couple inches higher than me, but I didn't mind. I had always wanted to be more than friends with him. But thats the thing. We were best friends, we always have been ever since our fathers met at the ministry when we were 7. Back then we were the best of friends, always going everywhere with each other when we could, and never in a million years would I ever imagine falling for him. But here I am 9 years later wishing upon a great big star that he would look at me the way I do at him. Not the way that friends do, but the way you look at someone when you like them, or hell, when you love them. But even with all these hopes, and wishes I knew that the feelings were always going to be one sided. He'd always consider me his best friend, nothing more. But that was ok. I mean it's better then not knowing him at all. Right? 

"Y/n" Draco whispered, he'd snapped me out of my desired day dream. We were both in the middle of writing a paper, and I had began to absentmindedly write. An odd habit of mine. 

"Yes?" I whispered back. 

"I know you're not much of a party girl, or anything. But we're having one in the Slytherin common room tonight, and I was hoping you'd come?" Draco asked. A nervous feeling shot through me in a split second, and I felt my mouth go dry. I thought for a moment. Why do I feel nervous that he's asking me? Whenever there's a party, he always asked me, even if there's an expected answer. 

"Um, I'll think about" I replied after an anxious moment. 

"Ok" Draco seemed a little satisfied by my answer. Probably because I always said no whenever he asked.

I smiled, and he returned one. And we went back to our work. 


Draco's P.O.V 

"I don't think she'll come this time, Blaise" I admitted, as I lounged on my bed, "She never does" 

"Have faith, mate, maybe this time she will. I mean she did say she'd think about it, she usually says no" Blaise responded as he bounced a red ball from the floor to his hand. 

Draco Malfoy One shots Vol. II | ✓Where stories live. Discover now