Stoping the inevitable (Bruce)

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As per a anonymous recommendation/request I have made a update to the chapter on the account of what happened on the 6th.
Please note, as I say in the update, if what I said offended anyone I do apologize. Please read that update to further understand this.

The figure fights desperately, barely holding his own and clearly already in a terrible state. Then the person fighting him shoves a sword through his chest.

I groan as the vision clears away and sigh, making my way to the meeting point Nightwing set up.

That's the fourth time this week to have that one vision. Which is unusual.

Landing by Nightwing and Robin, I smile at them, "Hello boys. Anything good tonight?"

Both shrug, then Robin adds, "Just patrolling. Batman took a mission for himself, saying it is too dangerous and progressed too fast. Haven't heard from him in a day."

I perk up, "I'm sorry, what?"

Nightwing nods, "Some assassins came into town. At first we thought little of it, chased them off a few times. But they revealed a bigger plot than expected."

"Where is he now?" I snap.

Both look shocked at me.

"Don't stare at me, just check for a location." I snap. The visions make sense now. I don't have long, I can tell.

Nightwing uses his wrist computer and looks confused, "He's at the harbor. What's going on? Why are you panicked?"

I don't respond and just run. I can hear them following.

Finally there, I sneak in and see the fight from my vision in real time. Before the assassin can stab Batman, I swing in and knock the assassin down. I don't hesitate to slam my foot down and knock him out, then I look to Batman. He looks worse than I pictured.

"Bats?" I ask and step towards him.

He collapses suddenly and I catch him, falling over from his weight, so that he lands on me. "Hey, don't close your eyes. Don't give in on me now! Boys!" I call out.

"Jets on its way! Get him up here!" Nightwing calls out.

I aim and hook the grapple up through the opening in the roof, and carefully lift both Batman and myself out.

The jet travels in record speed and gets us to the batcave. Alfred, the sweet old man, takes batman and gets to work on patching him up instantly, while I am left with Nightwing and Robin.

I sigh and tap my foot nervously. I'd never admit it, but I like Batman.

He is kind to me, in his own way.

"He's going to be fine." Nightwing says calmly.

"I hope so." I say softly.

He just smiles softly.

After an hour, Alfred comes out. "He's recovering now. He should be fine. I also set up a cot for you near the entrance to his room. I figured it would comfort you to rest within earshot."

"Thank you." I smile softly.

He leads me over, so I sit on the cot.

After four hours, I am woken by Batman stumbling out of the room. I look to him in shock, "B... you should be resting..." then I notice he isn't wearing his mask, "Wait... Bruce Wayne?"

He sighs and nods some, leaning on the doorway, "You stayed..."

"Are you upset that I did?" I ask softly.

"Im glad you did." He smiles down at me. "I was getting up to get my phone and message you... Thank you for saving me."

I get up and pull him into my embrace. "I'll always be there for you B. Just say the word."

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