Like How? (Batsis)

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You have been living as batsis sit 6 months and only just started to come out of your shell. You have been shy around them and limit what you do in front of them, but Alfred convinced you that it is okay to be yourself around them. So today you have. 

You decide to wear a cute little blouse and jeans today, along with your vans. A nice outfit for your tiny body. Being the youngest, you are described by the brothers as a “short stick”. This is always amusing because even Damian calls you this. 

Once seated at breakfast, you smile and nod at Alfred, which tells him you are ready to show your true colors. He gives you 4 of his special pancakes, 2 pieces of buttered toast, and 4 pieces of bacon (unless you are vegetarian because then he gives you some celery; all parts of the meal are made vegetarian friendly, except for the bacon, already because of Damian). You also have your morning hot coco. You drink hot coco like Tim drinks coffee. 

The boys look at you in disbelief. 

“You’ll never eat all of that. You hardly eat one pancake. It’s worrying actually.” Jason says. 

“I was always nervous to eat in front of you all. Girls never are supposed to eat a lot, but Alfred convinced me it’s okay. I may even have seconds.” You explain, then smirk as even Bruce looks shocked. 

They seem to just accept your statement and go to eating. After finishing your plate you ask for two more pancakes, they really are your favorite, and some more hot coco. 

They boys gawk at your appetite. 

“Where is all of that going?” Dick asks. 

“Hopefully the places puberty has yet to fill out, if you catch my drift.” You state and smirk as Bruce spits the coffee he just sipped on out when he goes to laugh.

Damian looks rather disgusted. He never wanted to imagine his little sister having a feminine look, and he knows that when you get the look he will have to kill any boy who tries to get with you. 

As you finish your second plate Jason and Dick look impressed. They sat there even after finishing their plates to see if you could do it. Tim is sipping on a third cup of coffee and just looks disturbed. He can’t fathom that a tiny girl like you can eat more then Jason or Dick. 

“Like… How?” Tim says surprised. 

“We are totally having an eating competition.” Jason says and smirks. 

“You’re on. Dick?” You reply and smirk. 

He nods and smirks. 

Later that day the boys set up the eating competition. Tim is recording it on his phone, Damian is the judge, Bruce has Barbra, Stephanie, and Cass with him to be the audience, and Alfred is the cook. 

There are multiple types of food to scarf down. Each one is given enough for three people to begin with, and Alfred has more in case needed. 

Damian blows the whistle and the feast begins. After the first meal and a half, Dick gives in. He didn’t realize it would be this hard to keep up with Jason and you. 

At the third plate it is coming close to a tie. Jason and you both look full but keep going, that is, until Jason stops and grabs the trash bag from under his seat and hurls up the feast, leaving you as the Champion. 

The girls cheer for you and Bruce claps with a smirk. Damian just sighs because it is obvious that you won and he’s rather disgusted by it all. “Somehow (y/n) wins the pig contest,” Damian states. 

“Like… How?!” Tim blurts out again. He’s now on 48 hours of no sleep so the vocabulary is limited. 

“Told you boys. I’m trying to get my figure up.” You joke. 

“You could win against the speedsters.” Dick says and laughs which makes you stand proud. 

“I bet I could,” you say then add, “but not today.”

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