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How much you want to bet not to many people will read this?

Countless times every day I can't help but say "How the heck do atheists and people without God do it?" This is where they say because he isn't real, they don't need him. So you believe in what? Science? That hasn't been proven? Okay. But the bible has been proven countless times.

There is no way that I can feel this way about something fake. I get goosebumps all the time and I'm alive! I smile! Why? God! That's why! Sometimes at church you can tell the Holy Spirit is there. You can feel it going through you, moving you. Evolution can't do that. Something fake can't do that.

Our house was sold a day before it needed to be when it was nearly impossible that it would be sold. We always have just the right amount of money to pay the bills. Izzy survived all her surgeries, she passed away after. Shall I go on? God works in mysterious ways.

I've talked a lot of non-believers. The one thing I hear almost every time is that god doesn't love them because of what he's done. "If he loved me, he wouldn't have taken my mom." But he does because he loves you. God doesn't do this to punish you for your sins, so don't say you didn't deserve it. That's not the reason. He does it so you can be better. "How does this make me better?!?!" I value life so much more. Life is short. It may only be a few days before you're laying in your death bed. "Well, you don't die till you're older." I beg to differ. My niece wasn't 93 now was she? Nope! Didn't think so.

So God does things to better us. Think of a time where you struggled. Seriously, do it. Now, think about when you got over it. How were you different? You valued life? You came close to people? You loved people more? Something else? Yes. You were changed. That's why God does this.

So now that you know he loves you, why not believe? Because you're still stuggling? So you hate God? You hate him because he did this to you? He is the reason. So you hate him so much. Let me ask you this, how can you hate something that isn't real? You can't. Case closed. If you hate him because he did this, you not only believe he's real but that he does this. You know he does everything!

Another thing I struggled with grasping. Why are there bad people? Well that's simple, people have free will. Why? Because if we didn't we would be no different than the angels in heaven.

Why else wouldn't you believe? Because you just simply don't? Let me recommend two things. Will you read or watch them? Probably not. But it's worth a shot if even one person does and is changed forever. The first is a movie, God's not dead. The second is a book called a case for Christ. It's written by an atheist named lee stroble. A non-believe. Who now through his studies knows that God is real.

Please read and watch those! You'll be so glad you did. Now I want to thank the people who don't believe who still read this. Thank you.

Kay thanks, byeeeee!!

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