Why People Laugh

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This chapter is going to be about why I some times (almost daily) get made fun of. First off, I'm a Christian and everybody knows because I try to make it obvious. So they make fun of me because if that. Why would you laugh just because I love God and will talk about him?!?! I do not get that. Second, I'm friends with a girl named Lexi. It's just us two at the table now because everybody left. She gets bullied SOOOO bad. So that means I should ignore her? No! It's does! Okay? She's my friend and you can laugh at me all you want! I'll talk to her in the halls and in class and sit with her at lunch! You want to laugh? Go ahead, at least I'm strong enough and have the balls (sorry about that!!!!!!) to friggin talk to her. Shows you who's the bigger person. And lastly, because I'm a "nerd" and a "geek." They are in quotes because the are just titles. I know I'm a geek! You don't have to point that out! I love anime and Star Wars and Zelda and crap like that! You're saying that's bad? Wow. That's kinda dumb but okay. And nerds are smart and at this school I'm one of the smartest. At my old school that WAS NOT the case. So I know I'm not smart. Okay so like today we were studying the Pythagorean Theory and Mr. O'Dell asks what they sides and stuff is called and I knew the answer and the while class started laughing! How does that make sense?!?! How?! Because I know what's about to be taught? Well sorry that I know some things about algebra! Can I also have a mini rant about how I was put in the wrong math class? Yes! I can! I'm SUPPOSED to be in Algebra 1 but am I? No! And I guess my birthday is 10/28/01. Ugh! Scheduling errors! Okay so yeah, that's me ranting about why I get made fun of. Kay thanks, byeeeee!

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