Life Skills

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So this quarter I have life skills. It's basically just home economics. In class yesterday the teacher said "Okay. Now were going to do the power point." She's a little mono-tone but I mean it second period she's probably just tired. She didn't say we needed to take notes in the power point and so we weren't taking notes and she wasn't happy about that. We can't wear loose clothes and I got a while bunch of jumpers for Christmas and now I can't wear them. Yay!! And I have to keep my hair pulled up which is okay because it's not like I feel like doing something with my hair except for a ponytail or messy bun. Mom now has to call the teacher because mom has to explain celiac to her and it's not like she can do all that in an email! So yeah, I don't like life skills. But I'm sure I'll like it a lot more when we start cooking. Random update: I found the doughnuts and are them for breakfast! Kay thanks, byeeeee!

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