Fangirling 2: The second one

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Get the sharknado reference in the title? No? Okay the second sharknado movie is called "Sharknado 2: The second one" So those people thought "Let's not call it the return of the sharknado or anything like that, that's dumb! Let's call it the second one!" "Genius idea Larry! How'd you come up with that?!?" "I don't know, it came naturally. Mother always said a had a gift." Yeah...I'm not going to apologize for my weirdness. You should be used to it by now! So onto the chapter!

I recently (can you tell I'm trying hard not to start with so?) became good friends with a girl named Tori. Tori had never experienced a fangirl attack, let alone MY fangirl attacks. My friends know how...interesting that gets. So she was sitting with Lexi and I at lunch and we were talking about minecraft YouTubers. I say my favorite is MunchingBrotato (in the media section). Then I start talking about him trying to channel my inner sane person. For some reason, I forgot I don't have an inner sane person to channel. So I start fangirling hopelessly to my new friend Tori who by this point is like "Um, Cailtin? Calm down. C-calm calm down. Caitlin? Calm down." Me, not able to stop, keeps rambling about how funny he is and his voice and just- everything. FOCUS CAITLIN DONT FANGIRL! So yeah, long story short I'm now comfortable with talking to her. If you are new or this is the first chapter you've read, first off welcome! Second off, I'm socially awkward. Hey, at least Tori still likes me! Kay thanks, byeeeer!

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