Chapter of Nothingness

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Hello my fellow readers. This chapter is basically nothing that I'll publish one Saturday when I have nothing to write about. This is basically writer's block in chapter form. Today is Wednesday. I have to write a chapter today, I think in Journey. There is skin coming off of my thumb and a band aid on my ring finger. Saturday is when I update this book and today is not Saturday. I have a lot of draft chapters, maybe 5? Bum bum bum, I want to go home. And sing some doddleoddle songs. And draw. I have to draw myself for the cover of my art book. Bum bum bum, I have like 40 minutes left of study hall. I call study hall Wattpad period because that's what I use it for. Tonight I have to do my study guide for history and also some science. I should do my homework now. *sigh* It's not fun. I like this. I should probably go now. I'll add on to this nonsense later.

HELLO! I'm in band teaching a small child how to play bells. It's very interesting....he's afraid of me but you can't blame him. He's afraid of Nicko_Heap too, I wonder why! (Nicko: That's because we all love me.) Thanks for your input Nicko. XD

I have a lot of studying to do tonight (Nicko: I had 5 hours of sleep yesterday.) so wish me luck. I love how she's just putting random things into this. XD Uuuugggghhhh...I want to go home. (Nicko: Now she suddenly turned into Chewbacca...Oink.) Thanks. I'm sure I've already ranted about people liking Chewy so much. He's just a tall hairy guy that makes the same noises as I do! And we wonder (Nicko: Nice job, stupid We can't spell...) why people always stare at us in lunch.... Oh by the way she said that because I have why too many spelling errors . I spelled have "ghavr" and people "epoepll" Needless to say I type too fast for my own good.

I have no inpriation for my fanciton. I know I have (Nicko: CAITLIN'S AN IDIOT.) a super cheesy line about Star Wars in a chpter for Brotato (Nicko: ...Aren't we smart.) but it wouldn't be MY fanfiction without super cheesy dumb lines! And also one with Peter Hollens singing LotR songs, kawaii desu? (Nicko: ...We need to send you back to first grade.) YAAASSS! SENPAI! I'm tired.

People are watching me write and saying I'm bad at spelling things! It's very true but that's why I EDIT my chapters before publishing them. Publishing is spelled piblighgsed. *sighs* This is hard.

MEGUMI AIKO RAVEN OF ARUN! I want to play Tera but nooo I have three tests tommorow...I keep laghing nd ZI probabl shoiuodnt be ut oh well. I probabk hsould go mow. Nope. THE NUBS!

And about a month later I edit this and publish it. This was written over the span of about two months. Why does the last paragraph look like that? I can't figure out what I tried to write. That's a glimpse of what WtmB really looks like.

I love you guys so so much and thanks for reading!

Kay thanks, byeeeee!!

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