Two Completley Stupid Things I Did/Thought

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So I don't feel good right now and I'm kinda just- bleh. So this first one makes a little sense. The second one, nope.

So I'm watching Jim Chapman right now. He was talking about foods he likes and then he said he also likes yoga. Me being stupid and him being British I thought he said yogurt. So I'm like- cool, I like yogurt as well.

Then he goes, yeah it's just really hard to get into. Then I get very puzzled. How is yogurt hard to get into you just eat it? Then he continues with, yeah my hotel had "yogurt" so I went down and did "yogurt" every morning. I still don't know he is saying yoga. So I'm very confused and at this point wondering how you DO yogurt. Is it a drug? Do you just snort it? What is this..? After a while I realize he's been saying yoga. Whoops!

Second thing is relish. Yes, the pickley crap in a jar. I've always wondered why it doesn't come in a big jar like peanut butter. That jar won't last very long.

Why you might ask? It wasn't until recently I thought relish was a side. I didn't know it was a topping. But I tried it and couldn't dip anything in it. Since I can't have buns there was nothing to hold it on there. So I still eat it by itself. In fact, I'm doing that right now. Want proof? See the media section for a picture of Jim and my relish! <3

Kay thanks, byeeeeeee!!

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