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Ooh! Are you exited for the 100th chapter? Celebrate with questions! Wheeeeee!

I need serious help. Serious. *sighs*

Leave questions about the book or me or stuff or yourself or happy things or sad things.


Chapter 100-
Nobody asked questions. So this is it.
Kay thanks. Bye.

*and we are back*

As funny and sad as that would be, let's not have that happen.

Are you leaving questions? No? Well what about this...

I answer every single question! Truthfully. Sound good? Good.

Leave me a freaking question I'm very lonely.

MyToeCold reference anybody? No? No?! NO?!?! Go look at his channel! He's awesome!

And scene.

Help me please.

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!

Welcome to my BrainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin