My Hair

14 3 6

My hair sucks. I have naturally stupid hair. It's not straight, it is curly. But only sometimes. The other times I can't tell.

My hair holds curl and straightness very well. If I straighten/curl it, it will last till I shower. So that's good.

Before I style my hair or do anything to it, I have to straighten it. Even if it's going into a messy bun it must be straightened. Why? Because my hair is VERY VERY textured, meaning it's corse(sometimes a lot more then usual), not perfectly straight, and poofy.

My hair never knows what it's doing. Ever. It is just a big ball of dark brown stuff that is on my head.

Why am I writing this? Because I just had to straighten my hair because I knew if I waited till tommorow to do it, it would take too long and I would be late. It seriously takes up to a half hour sometimes. Which is a long time for my straighteners.

Sorry about this weird random rant. It's time to eat gluten free veggie pizza!

(I wrote this several days ago in the evening so I'm not actually eating pizza at 5:00am, but it does sound nice)

Kay thanks, byeeeeee!!

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