Peter Hollens

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                            'll try not to fangirl while writing this. Here we go! So Peter Hollens, if you don't know, is and a cappella singer that mainly does LoTR music. So I have always loves the song I see fire and when I was looking at a cappella version (because PTX made me obsessed with a cappella) I came across him (I put the video up there). He looked familiar because he sang with Avi and Scott. So I clicked on it. Then that's all I listened to all day, everyday. And then I listen to his other music as found out not only does he love LoTR but likes star war and wicked (my favorite musical) as well! Then I fangirled just because of that. Weird right? Then I'm like- okay, this guys is attractive but only a little bit. And then something friggin happened and I thought he was friggin adorable, I have zero idea why. And then Aloranotgreenleaf had to go and say he looks like some dude from school! Which he doesn't! But anyways, he's super talented and look him up! Kay thanks, byeeeeee!

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