I Say Once More, I Don't Like People

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I'm ranting to you guys right now. My friend Lexi is SUPER stressed out because she's trying out for majorettes and she think she'll screw up. Let me just say, that is really dumb because she's friggin awesome at batton.

People keep making fun of her because she's crying a lot and...wait for the dumb part...fixes her hair in class a lot! Yep! Valid reason to hate people! *rolls eyes* Then Tyler decided to be a HUGE FREAKING JERK TO HER IN SCIENCE!

Shut up please! She does not need this crap! UGH! People.

So my arm is super sore and I was trying to figure out why so I would know how to make it stop hurting. Then I remembered that Hannah punched me there today. Thanks Hannah! Ugh.

I almost burst into tears yesterday in science because I had a strange longing to hold Izzy even more than usual. I just wanted to see her again. That's all I wanted but that isn't going to happen for a while. Or maybe soon. Whatever God has planned for me.

Otherwise, everything is good. WE SOLD THE HOUSE! Ha! Take that to Walmart Dad! Try to take our house now! Now we can actually afford crap and not be worried father will take it with his dumb freaking lawyers and junk. HA! Take it to Walmart!

Tori probably has a Wattpad now because she reads this book an my dream journal. Tori, comment here so everybody can follow you.

So yeah! That was my rant for today! People are dumb and make me want to kick them into Mordor. But I can't because one does not simply get kicked into Mordor. I tried not to reference to that but it didn't wrk.

That's all for now!

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeeee!!

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