My Forehead Crack

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I have a weird crack in my head. What a great way to begin a chapter!

It's on the middle right-ish part of my forehead and isn't too deep but it isn't shallow and I would say it's about 4 inches long.

Why am I saying this? I don't know.

I kidnapped a dining room chair and put it in my room. Then rearranged the furniture in the dining room so it looks nicer. I decorated the chair in a way. Meaning I put my notebook, blanket, pen, headphones, and catbug on it. See the media section for it.

Mom just said she was going to bed so I looked at the time and it's almost 10. So goodnight!

I'll leave you with this: What if Bombur was a Pokémon?

{I wrote this several days ago by the way}

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!

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