Upcoming chapters, would you like them?

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So I mentioned in the previous chapter my flower that helps breathing. It sounds like it doesn't work but it actually does. So that got me thinking, would you guys like a chapter about how I deal with stress? I know a few of you are going through an extremely hard time so I thought it may be nice. So comment on whether or not you would want that. Also I said I needed the flower. Once everything with that gets settled I thought I might do a chapter about it. For those of you who recently or not recently got diagnosed with the thing that shall remain nameless until we are sure what it is. I'll tell you guys if I have it and what it is so you can say if you want it. Wait no, I'm doing it. But I do have a few health problems and some can be bad so would you guys like a chapter on those? I'm basically only doing it for those of you who have them because it's scary and I would've liked somebody to have written a chapter about them when I got diagnosed. Oh! And they're celiac, hashimotos (I can't spell that one), and hypothyroidism. Those are the only ones that are huge. There are many others but those ones don't matter. So incase you forgot which chapters I'm asking about (because I did) I'll go ahead and repeat them. 1, ways to relieve stress. 2, my thing (even tho I'll probably write it anyways). And lastly, 3, my health issues. So comment on which ones you'd like to see! Kay thanks, byeeee!

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