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I've never been too big into poetry but in English we recently started the poetry unit. And I kinda read through the whole unit already. Whoops! XD I didn't mean to I said "Okay I'll just read one lesson ahead." Nope! I read the whole unit. So now I'm going to go search the poetry section of Wattpad and read everything. I it just me that has this problem where you have so many books in your library and plan on reading all of them but get so into one book and read it till the end and then go "Well, whoops. I have like 12 more books to read." So then you go to clean your library to see which ones you aren't going to read you "accidently" add twice as many books as you started with. Is that just me? I'm bad at explaining so that probably made zero sense. Anyways! Kay thanks, byeeeee!

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