An Embarassing Story...

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I would like to do these more often. Would you guys like that? I think that would be good.

This actually happened when I was 9 I think. Before I tell this story I have to say something stupid. This is from when I was learning to ride my bike. I didn't learn until then because I didn't feel the need to. So I didn't.

So as soon as I got in the bike I was able to ride. Maybe because I was 9. So I was having trouble with the brakes because my bike was- weird.

I was riding up and down the sidewalks and then this lady was walking and I couldn't stop. So I was going straight for her back.

I screamed for her to watch out and move over because I couldn't stop. So she looks behind her like any person would do.

And I hit her. So I fall off my bike and then stand up and pick up my bike.

I didn't hit her that hard because she didn't fall over, it probably just scared her. So she swears a few times.

I go back into the garage and tell mom I'm not going I ride my bike. And I didn't until I was 11.

It was awful and I cried because I felt so bad but she wasn't hurt, so it's fine to laugh.

So yeah. I hit a lady on my bike. Later on I found out she lived a few doors down from us. And every single day she took a walk.

I saw her Every. Single. Day. The lady I hit! So that was fun!

I feel like this wasn't as funny as I thought. Oh well! I have another one that's hilarious. But I don't know if I want to tell that one for- reasons. You'll see when and if I post it.

Moral of this story: make sure your bike brakes work.

Kay thanks, byeeeeee!!

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