Work, Work, Work.

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GUYS! I ACTUALLY UPDATED TAKEN AND CHANGED! ISN'T THAT CRAZY?! It's one day late but it's there! Also today I have to write Lady Ninjas. I've just been working on setting up my gaming stuff. I still have no idea what to call the channel so that's super fun! 

I've been looking on Amazon for equipment and this guy called Ziovo's videos are very helpful in setting up different things like FaceCam. Did I tell you I did that?! I think that's pretty cool!

We are going to build a room in the basement for me since my room is really small and there is no room for anything thing else in here. There isn't really any room for what I already have in here but oh well.

Wow, today's chapter is short. Sorry about that but there isn't much I did today besides work. I did watch YouTube for a couple hours though. 

I am now off to write Lady Ninjas! Ooh! I think I ended the last chapter on a cliff hanger kind of! That's cool. If you're not already reading Lady Ninjas, go give it a try! Not saying you should read it all if you don't like it but I think you guys would so it can't hurt to try!

Kay thanks, byeeeee!!

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