Happy FALotR Day!

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(Disclaimer: I don't own the base picture in the media section. I just wrote on it. Don't want to get in trouble for copyright laws on a holiday!)

GUYS! Guess what tomorrow is?! Why did you say Valentines Day? That isn't it at all. It's Forever Alone Lord of the Rings day! Why? Because I'm forever alone, and a Tolkienite, and I'm sure there's more out there. We need a holiday!

So I made one! On February 14th of every year, instead of being sad because you're alone (don't worry, Senpai might notice you) we shall have a Lord of the Rings marathon all day long!

Is this new? Not at all! This is my third year in a row. The other years before it weren't FALotR day because I wasn't super into LotR yet. But I'm a super Tolkienite now! And I'm forever alone! Poof! My holiday was born.

Don't you want this tradition to end? No. Even if I wasn't forever alone (XD) I wouldn't stop watching LotR and The Hobbit all February 14th. That's my day!

So let's join together and make it the best day ever! Tolkienites unite! Who's with me?!


I got you a present for FALotR day! It's some Thranduil/Legolas related memes! I personally love them so I thought you'd like them as well. Happy FALotR day!

 Happy FALotR day!

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