Nobody Even Looks The Same Any More!

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Everybody I fangirl about looks different. I'm not even kidding you. Some changes are good, some are not. Let's talk about them. Oh my gosh! Unintentional almost good mythical morning reference!

Tyler Oakley
Months ago he got new glasses. Months! But still, they suit him and he better not get new ones! Also, he's a blonde. Yes, Tyler has a hair color that can actually come out of your head. That I do not like. It's too- normal. I don't like it but he does so until till he doesn't, he should keep it. You do you my queen! You do you! <3

He got new glasses (I tend to like glasses people. Glasses people? You know what I mean.) and they also suit him and are so cute and they're matte which I've never seen before but they look good on him. Next, there's something on his arm. What is it? A compass? How? Oh it's a tattoo? Oh. Well, it's stupid. I can't stand tattoos but if you like them and they make you feel good, get them. But the bible says your body is a temple meaning it's wrong and you won't be able to get most jobs. But you do you. So Tyler, good job! He can pull it off without looking trashy or weird so that's good. Let's talk about something AWFUL though. His facial hair. He has facial hair! FACIAL HAIR!!!!! So I named him MunchingChinStrap. So yes, he has a chin strap.

Shane Dawson
This is from a LOOOONNNGGGG time ago but I'll still talk about it. His haircut! Before his hair was SUPER long! It was past chin level. Then he got the Deadlox cut which I loved. But looking back, ew. He agrees. Then he got the Connor Franta which I HATED when he first got it but it's much better!

I seriously thought they would be more. Now here's the rest of the people I fangirl about for those who were curious: Deadlox, Peter Hollens, mlghwnt (pronounced mlg [major league gaming, which is in there because it's a joke] hunt), and I think that's all. Hm. I bet I forgot somebody. Whoops.

So yeah, people keep changing what they look like! But that okay!

Random update: Tyler Oakley and I have matching scars! #TrueLove <3

Kay thanks, byeeeeee!!

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