Super Bowl

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We interrupt you watching Deadlox to bring you football.

Joy to the world it's that time of year! The time when you get to watch the Super Bowl. How I watch the Super Bowl: read during the football, watch the commercials. It makes it fun!

I want the Seahawks to win. Are they hawks? Are they sea creatures? Nobody knows! And I really like the stripe things on there uniforms. I also like the guy who said "I'm just here so I won't get fined." Tell it like it is, hunty!

About the patriots balls *chuckles*. Why are they still talking about the deflated balls?!?! *chuckle chuckle* the game is done and over with. DEFLATED BALLS! *giggles*

Who do you want to win? Do you care? What will you be doing during the Super Bowl?

Oh my gosh! I just saw the funniest commercial! It's the one where the places were picking their animals and Mexico picked an avocado (not an animal but that's okay). Then the ginger goes "avocados from Mexico!" If I can't find it, I'll put it in the media section. If not, I'll put a jacksfilms song up there!

Have fun reading my fellow Wattpaders!!!! Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!!

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