The Wedding

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I actually did crap last night. Did I write about it? No, I was tired. I went to Michael's house. It has to be about a half a million dollars according to dad.

But Michael works very hard has a good job so he makes a lot of money. He deserves it. They're moving in right after the wedding.

I played with Alex and Kayleigh did as well when we were there.

*time skip*

We just back from the mall. Now I'm ready for the wedding! We should be leaving here any minute, too!

*time skip*

Now we're leaving! Karen, uncle Brian's girlfriend, took waaaay too long to even START getting ready. The wedding is at a plantation so we planed on walking around their before the wedding. Thanks to her, we probably won't be able to. Grrr.

*time skip*

My brother is married! Whoop whoop! I think I may have came close to crying. But I didn't because that's mom's job. It was beautiful there, too!

If any of you have gone to a plantation in South Carolina, you know what it looks like. Any of them. But this one had a beach as well. It was amazing! And yes, we did walk around before the wedding.

Afterwards we ate, took pictures, and played with Alex. I had- some meat. I think it was pork. Normally I don't like pork. Or meat. Then I had an amazing salad! It was so good! I would put the pictures in the media section, but I won't. That's my family and also me. Huh-uh, this is Wattpad.

Again, I'll update you on what we're doing tomorrow, tomorrow. I am way too tired to write any more. Thanks for reading guys! And almost 300 votes! We have 299 right now! Most people don't vote though. I don't most of the time. Hm.

Kay thanks, byeeeeee!!

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