Naoko's Surgery

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This morning when we dropped her off was very sad. So were the hours that followed because I'm not used to not being with her. She stays by my side all day long.

We just picked her up and all she did was cuddle up to me and whimper occasionally. Mom said to treat her like somebody who's drunk.

Now she's home and cuddling with EVERYTHING. Also she keeps crying and it's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

The vet said every time somebody walked by her cage she walked to the corner and cried for them. Even when she's in a lot of pain she still wants everybody to pet her. She also said her cries were just little pitiful noises.

I'll put pictures of her in the media section. Oh my gosh! I wish you guys could hear this! This is awful! I want to do something but there is nothing I can do.

More update chapters are coming up next!

Kay thanks, byeeeee!!

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