Random Update

17 3 0

Normally I do these at the ends of chapters but I don't have time to wrote a full chapter given the fact I'm supposed to be getting ready for school.

I'm sick! So is mom. We either have the mini-flu or a sinus infection. Either way, my throat feels like death and my nose is dripping like crazy. Mom is the same way.

I didn't go to school yesterday because it was so bad. But today I'm pushing through it (push it real good! My nephew loves that song) and it will be a good day because I'm wearing my Tyler Oakley #TeamInternet shirt! So it's all good!

So today will be filled with makeup work. Joy! I'm hoping the scheduling person didn't take the forms yesterday. That would be awful.

Tommorow I have to take the NEAP test. They pronounce it 'nape'. It makes me cringe because that's not how you should say it! It's n-e-a-p! It's 'neap!' And I got the science one which I'm fine with because it's not math. This is the test I talked about earlier that not everybody has to take.

Also, I have to preheat the oven for tomorrow. How hot? I don't know. I'm going with 350 degrees. Sounds good to me. Maybe it's 400 because it's biscuits. I don't know though.

Crap! I'm running late now!

Kay thanks, byeeeeee!!

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