My Day

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Today was interesting. Here it is, period by period:

I can play all the music from memory! Finally! We are playing roar and just dance which are semi hard. The rest are easy. But hard to memorize. Some lady came in to listen to us. So I played even louder. Most of the time you can't hear the bells, but everybody can hear mine! I was told that I should have more music that isn't the bells. ;-;

Life Skills
Oh. My. Gosh. If I had to describe it in one word, it would be awkward. We were in our groups preparing for when we make our biscuits. The girl who is mean to me wasn't there. The other girl and I were getting to know each other and the guy, Taylor, starts singing. She goes, "Sing louder so Caitlin can hear!" For the remainder of the period I was sitting there while he sang. It was so comfortable! *sarcasm*

Language Arts
I went to the library and did homework because I can't take the sample PARCC test because Izzy's name is in it. That's all.

We had to do a lot of problems and we had to do them all before class ended or else we get a lunch detention. But isn't every math period in his class that way? Yes. It is.

Walking Period
For those that don't know, walking period is basically a free period. Everybody goes to the gym, half of the gym is for walking and the other for sports. Band people can go to band then to practice their music. Only a few people go though. So I went to band and took a test. There were what I thought was flams in every measure. But were they? No. Since I did the rest right she said I passed. Which is always good!

The same as it always is. Lunch!

Can we talk about what happened before history? Yes? Okay good. My book bag strap was in the door and couldn't open it. The teachers have a special key that can open it even if it's stuck. So I ask a teacher if he can help and I tell him my locker is stuck so he goes "I'm sorry." You can open it! No you are not sorry! Then the late bell rings. So after a few more tries I go to class. Mr. Sorber is surprised I was late because I've never been late. So he walks me to my locker and opens it. He seemed to be worried about how I was because he asked me three times in different ways. Hm. Mr. Noble asked as well when he saw us in the hallway.

It was a study hall today so I wrote lyrics to LoTR music on my paper. Then Lexi goes, "What are loter songs?" I laughed so hard! I say, "No, L-O-T-R. Lord of the rings."

Random update: My hair decided to be INSANELY curly today! It was awful! But I pulled part of it up and straightened my bangs so were all good!

{This chapter is from Febuary 13th}

Kay thanks, byeeeeeee!!

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