Chapter 5 Good news. Bad timing Part 21

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I woke up to Ellie shaking me. "Katelyn... come on wake up" she whispered, I groaned "what?" I said in my awful morning voice "sorry about waking you up. I just feel really bad for inviting Ross over yesterday... I had no idea that Abby had asked Brad around as well" she sounded really sorry and her eyes were full of regret. I sighed and sat up, now fully awake, but still rubbing my eyes "it's okay. You didn't know. He had to find out at some point" I mumbled, remembering last night. Ellie sat down next to me "why did you invite him over in the first place?" I asked "because I thought it would make you happy and you looked really nice with the makeover, so I wanted him to see. I invited Tris as well but he couldn't come" she explained, I nodded, but I still wondered why Abby had invited Brad "why did Abby invite Brad?" I asked "she said that he might want to see you" she shrugged, I nodded again. This was getting a bit confusing. "Why did Brad act so weird yesterday?" she randomly asked, I shrugged and got up off the sofa and went up to my room. I just wanted to take off all this messed up makeup, get into some comfy clothes, and ignore the world for at least a day or two. Was that too much to ask? But before I did all of that, I pulled out my phone and went on twitter. I gasped when I saw that Brad was no longer following me. He had deleted all of his tweets that had anything to do with me as well. I checked on Instagram, and it was the same thing. He had done that with EVERY social media site that we were both on! I threw my phone on my bed and had a quick shower. I had always thought that Brad would yell or get mad, but I never thought that it would go this far...

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