Chapter 15 Thank you, part 70

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“He’s here?” I screeched looking at Zayn a bit scared “yeah… why do you look so scared? It’s only him” Zayn looked at me really confused and I looked at the ground “why is he here?” I asked, trying to avoid his question “why do you think” Zayn said giving me a look as if I already knew. I looked at him weirdly “I don’t know! Because he said so many awful things to me that I don’t even think I know him anymore” I hissed in a quiet voice so Ashton couldn’t hear me “he’s here to apologise” Zayn explained, but my expression didn’t change. Why would he apologise now when he had so much time to do it before “I don’t know…” I trailed off “please, Shann. I know he said those things, but he’s already told me that he regrets it and didn’t mean it. Just please listen to him, for me” Zayn pleaded giving me puppy dog eyes in a serious way. I sighed, there was no way I could refuse him “fine” I sighed, then I turned to Ash “I’ll talk to you later” I smiled slightly at him and he nodded “okay. Good luck with the rest of the show” he said to both of us and I quickly kissed his cheek and walked away with Zayn.

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