Chapter 8 5 Seconds of awkwardness, part 36

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We had to bloody pick 5SOS up from the airport! They were travelling to the UK today and Simon had asked us to pick them up, since the boys had told Simon about the rough patch Luke and I were going through, he said that we needed bonding time, so we were picking them up AND they would have to stay in OUR HOUSE for a while! I screamed when Shann told me! It was so annoying! But, the good news was that R5 were coming back to the UK just to see us perform on the first night. They wanted to come early because Abby told them that 5SOS were coming and they wanted us all to hang out again! Yeah, we all had hung out together before, but that was a different story. R5 were going to be staying in a nearby hotel, because our house would just be too crowded if they stayed as well.

R5 had gotten to the UK last night and stayed over at ours, but only for that one night. They left a few minutes ago to go sign into their hotel and then go to dinner with us to catch up. Now Shann, Abby and I were getting ready to go to the airport. “Do I really have to go? I’m sure that you two can pick them up by yourselves” I moaned, really not wanting to go “Yes! You are coming and that is final! You can’t avoid him forever” Shann said, a little annoyed. That was the 5th time I had said that it 3 minutes. “But what if he does something? We don’t know what state he’s in” I said, trying to get out of this “it’s been 14 months, I’m sure he’s not going to do anything” Shann reassured. I sighed and leaned in the doorway while she grabbed her phone off of the island in the middle of the kitchen “look, even if he does do something. Riker and Rocky are going to be there, so he won’t hurt you” she said, walking past me. “WHAT! Why the hell are they coming?” I screeched “because… they know you, they know you need some… persuasion. They both love you like a sister and want to make sure you’re okay” she explained, putting on her shoes. I put my shoes and coat on as she opened the door “so, are they meeting us there?” I asked, completely forgetting about the whole Luke thing. “Yeah” Shann simply said, getting into the taxi that was outside our house. Well… it was more like a mini bus, but I still called it a taxi. It was big so that we could fit 5SOS and their bags in here. “There you guys are! I was starting to think that Shann would have to drag you out of the house by your hair” Abby laughed as I closed the door “yeah, yeah. Ha ha. Very funny.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes “can we go?” Shann asked the driver, he simply nodded and we headed to the airport.

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