Chapter 9 Victories and disappointments, part 45

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As soon as we got out of the car, we saw the boy’s limo out front. We all looked at each other confused, then walked inside. When we did, Shann put the lights on and we all gasped! Standing there, smiling at us, were R5, 5SOS and 1D! The room was filled with really cool lights, there was a HUGE mp3 played and there were buffet tables. I never realised that our house could actually fit all this in and still have room. There was a cake in the middle of the buffet table and it had our album front cover on it and under the picture it said “congratulations!” “Thank you all so much!” Ellie squilled, then began to dance. “We told you that we didn’t want a party” Shann yelled over the music, she wasn’t mad though “yeah, but you deserve it. You all worked so hard to make this album, we just wanted to show you how proud we are of you all and how much we love you” Riker shouted over the music “aww! Thanks Riker!” Abby smiled, then we all had a huge group hug. It was times like this I couldn’t help but love my friends. But it felt like there was a blank space in the hug where 4 people should be. It wouldn’t feel the same without them. “I just got a text from James, Tris and Con!” Shann screamed, showing us her texts;

Well done Shann! Proud of you all! The album sounds awesome! – James xx

I never knew you were so good on the drums! I meant, I knew you were amazing, but now you have just blown my mind! Your one talented ginger ;) Love you guys, speak to you soon – Con xx

I AM SO PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Same for Abby and Kate! Love you most though! Love you Shann – Tristan xx

“They texted me as well!” Ellie squilled “same here” Abby grinned. I checked my phone and saw that they had texted me too. I smiled at the fact that they still wanted to be in our lives after what happened. “What? No Brad?” Ashton asked. R5, Ellie, Shann and Abby all froze and then slowly looked at me “umm” I started, holding back tears. Ellie suddenly turned the music off and everyone just faced me. I grabbed Ross’ hand and said “Brad got mad. He hates me because I am dating Ross and didn’t tell him. He is ignoring me. There? Now can everyone stop looking at me and can we please change the subject” I answered, everyone looked away, except Luke. “Boyfriend?” he asked, I walked over to him and nodded, dragging Ross with me “yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I guess I keep making the same mistakes. I just didn’t know how you were with our breakup and I was scared about how you would react” I admitted calmly. Luke nodded “it’s okay. I understand. I just want you to be happy” Luke forced a smile and then turned away “well that wasn’t awkward” Ross commented “I wish Brad had reacted like that” I sighed. Ross pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head “I promise it will be okay” he whispered and I nodded. Burying my head in his chest “I love you, Katelyn. And I really do hope that you and Brad makeup” Ross said, he pulled away and gave me a short but sweet kiss. I smiled “I love you too, Ross. And so do I” he smiled at me and hugged me again. He knew how to make me feel better, but it still hurt that everyone was a part of this night…. Except him.

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