Chapter 13 This is it, part 65

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After we finished, we left our instruments and went to the front of the stage “well. We hope you all enjoy the concert” Abby spoke into the microphone and loads of people cheered “we’ve been 4 Wishes! We hope that you have a great night” Shann grinned, then we all bowed in-sync and then the lights went off and we ran off stage. “Well done! You were awesome” Calum grinned, coming up to us and pulling us all into an excited hug “thanks” Shann said struggling to breath. “Let go Calum! I want to hug them nowww” Niall moaned, and when Calum didn’t let go, he joined the hug. In the end, all of 5SOS and 1D were hugging s and saying how well the performance was, even though it was only an opening act! “Boys, you need to get ready! You’re on in less than 5 minutes!” A guy suddenly hissed at us all and they instantly pulled away. “Well… I guess we’ll see you all later” Luke smiled at us all “yeah.” I nodded in agreement “once again, good luck” Ashton said awkwardly as they all walked away “bye” Shann called after them. I turned to look at her and I saw Zayn lean over and whisper something to her “you need to tell him” I heard him say, and Shann gave him a slight nod. I looked at them both in confusion, but then, before I could ask, we were ordered to go back on stage.

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