Chapter 11 Well that happened, part 56

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(Shannon’s POV)                                                                                                  

“So, you basically think that he’s a dick?” Zayn asked, chuckling slightly. I had just told him about everything that had happened and he seemed to think that it was all quite amusing “yes. I’m glad you’re finding this funny” I said sarcastically, crossing my arms sassily “sorry. But, I just think that it all happened so quickly” he admitted “so do I” I whispered “so what’s up with you and Ash?” he suddenly asked, I looked at him with wide eyes and I began to get nervous “what do you mean?” I asked quickly, trying to hide my emotions “you both seem really close and you both speak highly of each other” he explained. I blushed at the thought of Ashton saying nice things about me, but then I noticed Zayn was staring at me, waiting for my answer, and I zoned back into reality. “I don’t think it really matters, especially to you. You don’t want to know about my life, I’ve already tortured you enough” I babbled, he chuckled at my babbling and then shrugged “I honestly don’t mind. I find you quite interesting” he smiled, I blushed again and then sighed “fine! I-I like Ash, I always have. We met a few years ago, 2012 to be exact. Luke and Katelyn introduced us to each other when we went to Australia on a school trip. Ever since I first saw him I have liked him, and now my crush on him has grown” I finished and took a deep breath. Zayn was looking at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, taking in all the information I had just told him “oh. Wow” he commented “yeah. Do you find me interesting now?” I asked, not expecting an answer “of course. Look, I think you should tell him how you feel” he said truthfully “how? And what if he turns me down and we stop being friends? I-I don’t want to lose him” I started to tear-up at the thought of that. Zayn sighed “don’t cry” he half pleaded “look, you are amazing and if he can’t see that then he doesn’t deserve you” he smiled at me slightly and I forced a little smile back. I wanted to believe him, but I just didn’t think it was possible for anyone to actually like me. Especially Ashton. “I seriously doubt that” I mumbled to myself not expecting him to hear, but he did “why? Don’t you know how funny and beautiful you are? You are truly amazing! He is so lucky to have you like him and, seriously, if he doesn’t like you he is the biggest idiot I have ever known” Zayn insisted, I blushed a bright red again and smiled at him “thanks, Zayn. But we only just got to know each other, why are you so sure?” I asked, generally curious “because… okay, don’t think I’m creepy, but I wanted to know more about you guys so I asked Ellie what you, Shann and Kate are like. So, I know more than you think” he said running a hand through his hair, which made the fangirl in me almost die. I mentally brushed it off and then smirked at him “oh yeah, like what?” I asked, wanted to know if I should kill Ellie or not, she is the type of person who would tell anyone literally ANYTHING. “Well… I know that you like 1D, you love food, your phone always runs out of charge, you love heels, you used to have a fringe, you hate shoes with socks, and if someone hits you, you will hit them twice as hard” He admitted, I looked at him for a second, completely shocked. “Also… she told me how you reacted when you and Tris broke up” he pursed his lips and I just shrugged “yeah, so” I muttered “I think that you should make up with him” Zayn said sternly, I looked at him as if to say ‘are you kidding me?’ but by the looks of it, he wasn’t joking at all. “Did you not hear a word I said earlier? The things he called me? Why should I make up with him when it’s him who started it?” I snapped, annoyed. “Sorry, but, I think you just need to talk to him about it. This seems to be the problem with all this. No one’s communicating. Look, if you talk to Tris I’m sure he’ll listen because by the sounds of it, he’s upset about it.” Zayn explained calmly “but, I don’t think I love him anymore. I like Ash.” I said obviously, was he not listening to the convocation we just had? “I know, but, you can still be friends” he said. I looked at the ground and kicked the air slightly with my foot. Suddenly, a light breeze brushed past us and I looked up at him again nodding. As soon as I did, a big grin appeared on his face “what?” I asked “you- nothing” he quickly stopped himself “come on, Zayn. Tell me” I pleaded, never wanting his smile to go away “it’s just, you just looked so beautiful when the wind blew past you.” He blushed and looked at the ground “well, believe me, you’re better. You always look amazing. Even when you don’t try” I blurted out. He looked up at me and another grin appeared on him face “thanks” he chuckled slightly. Not knowing what to say, I quickly changed the subject. I didn’t know what to say after someone said ‘thanks’, I never had. “Can I tell you something?” I asked, he nodded and I decided to tell him the… plan. “Well, you know you said that there is no communication going on…” I paused to see his answer. After he nodded, I continued “well… Abby isn’t really studying” I said. He looked at me confused “what has that got to do with communication” he asked “she’s going to do… something” I said “is she… going to…” he started, but then trailed off as I gave him a nod, knowing what he was going to say “and Katelyn has no idea” 

Missing youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora