Chapter 9 Victories and disappointments, part 43

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We came downstairs just as Ellie yelled “we need to leave NOW” and then she opened the door and we ran out “Bye guys!” I quickly yelled at the boys as we quickly left and then ran into the car waiting outside the house. “Wow. You guys cleaned up nicely” Ellie said, looked us up and down

Abby’s outfit:

Shannon’s outfit:

Katelyn’s outfit:

 “Well, we decided to put effort into it.” Abby shrugged “you really do all look nice though” the driver said in a familiar voice. Our heads all shot up as we saw Liam in the driving seat sat next Ellie who was in the passenger seat. “Um… thanks” I said looking down. “Why are you driving us?” Shann asked him “because we’re going on the show with you AND we’re doing a photoshoot the same time as you because they want to ask about the tour” he explained, we all nodded, not caring that it wasn’t just about our carriers because we had never really been keen on being the centre of attention. But at the same time we didn’t mind it. “Okay. We’re here” Liam suddenly said “wow. That was quick” I mumbled “yeah. It’s not that far, as you can see” Liam commented pointing at the building “yeah, I can see that” I giggled slightly as he pretended to be shocked “oh my! Really?” he asked sarcastically “can you two stop flirting so we can go in! I’m cold!” Abby moaned, Liam and I both blushed, and we all walked in.

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