Chapter 14 I like you, part 69

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(Shann’s POV)

A soon as I walked off stage, Zayn ran up to me, grabbed my arm, and began to pull me “Zayn! Get off” I snapped “no. You’re telling Ashton now, or I will” he said, letting go and facing me. I turned to the side and saw Ashton facing us both, eyeing us suspiciously “tell me what?” He asked slowly. I then glared at Zayn as if it would kill him, was he seriously doing this? “I’ll let her tell you” Zayn said pointing at me and then, he walked away. I tried to walk out as well, but then Ashton started to talk “what is it, Shann? Is something wrong?” I turned back around and he got up and walked towards me “no. yes. Maybe. I don’t know anymore. This was all his idea” I sighed in frustration “what was his idea?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I took a deep breath and put my head in my hands, but quickly pulled them down “I like you, okay? Zayn knew and he wanted me to tell you. I kept saying no because I didn’t know how you would react so now he’s making me-“I was cut off by Ashton’s lips smashing into mine, but he then became gently and it was the best kiss I had ever had. He then pulled away and smiled, I mirrored his expression. Happiness was already beginning to overwhelm me. “I like you too” he whispered, then he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his forehead against mine “Shannon Hough. Will you be my girlfriend?” he suddenly asked, I looked into his eyes for a second and then nodded my head slightly “yes” I breathed, then he kissed me again, but more passionately “finally!” We both heard Zayn yell happily and we both pulled away and laughed. Zayn then jogged up to us and said to Ashton “be good to her, okay?” he said it seriously, like he was my brother or something, Ashton nodded “okay. Good. Now that that’s sorted, I need you for a second” Zayn said turning to me “why?” I instantly asked “because we need to sort out a certain friend problem you have” Zayn gave me a weird look, as if I should know what he was talking about “Brad?” I asked, as if this was a quiz “nope. Guess again” he sighed, I thought about who else it could be, and who else was I not on good terms with? Then, it hit me “Tristan” I gasped.

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