Chapter 12 Some things need to end, part 62

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(Abby’s POV)

So, Rosslyn was over. And Harry, Shann, Michael and I had seen the whole thing. Ross had now left and Shann and Michael were talking to her about it. Meanwhile, Harry and I were sat on the top of the monkey bars watching the whole thing. Well, he was, I was just thinking about how long I have liked 1D and now I’m just sat here on monkey bars with Harry Styles. “It’s weird, isn’t it?” he suddenly asked, I looked at him confused, but he was just staring into the distance “what is?” I questioned “the fact that after all that, they just finished. I remember yesterday, Katelyn was just saying how confused she was. But after her talk with Liam she suddenly sorted it out” he said, still not facing me “mmm. That is weird. But, she has liked him for a while” I shrugged “really?” Harry instantly asked, surprised, turning to look at me. I just shrugged “yeah. He’s her celebrity crush” I explained “and who’s yours?” he questioned. I froze and started to think of what to say, I couldn’t just tell Harry that it was him! “I-um- no one. What about you?” I stuttered, I actually really wanted to know who he liked. His expression turned into panic “um… I don’t like any celebrities either” he said quickly, then he added an awkward chuckle to the end. “Okay, well, anyway. Even if I did like someone, it wouldn’t matter because I’m no good at getting guys” I said, looking down at the grass below my feet, since I was quite small, I couldn’t reach it “why?” he asked, I shrugged “I guess I’m not the ideal girl. Most people just see me as a dumb blonde and just leave it at that” I admitted “but you’re so much more than that” he said. He gently put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up to the side so I was looking at him “yeah, I’m also small” I grumbled “no. you’re adorable. You’re funny. You are talented and you have so much to offer a guy and the world. You can be anything you want to be. If anyone tells you different, they’re either lying or stupid” he smiled at me and I blushed “thanks” I whispered “anytime” he whispered back. “Hey, you two. Come on! We’re going” Michael suddenly called “coming” I called back. Harry turned away from me and jumped off the monkey bars with ease, but I just stared at the ground below me and gulped. I was too small to jump off and land safely “do you need some help?” Harry asked, looking at me concerned “yeah please” I nodded. He then walked up to me and put his arms around my waist, holding me tightly “okay, on three. One. Two. Three!” he lifted me up and then put me gently on the ground “thanks… again” I grinned “your welcome. You know, you’re really light” he winked and I blushed “stop flirting guys, so we can leave!” Shann suddenly yelled. “Oh shut up Shann!” I yelled back jokingly and Harry chuckled. “Come on” he smiled at me and held out his hand. I looked down at it and then back up at him, confused “as friends. It won’t kill anyone” he said pulling puppy dog eyes “but what if someone sees us and start a rumour?” I blurted out “I’d be flattered if anyone thought I was good enough to date someone like you” he winked again. I rolled my eyes “fine!” I gave in and took his hand, it was tiny compared to him “your hands are so cute” he commented “thanks… I think?” I giggled. He smiled at me and we talked the rest of the way home. After that, he was no longer just my ‘celebrity crush’ but now… I think I was starting to love him.

Missing youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora