Chapter 11 Well that happened, part 52

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Abby and Ellie were studying for their last exams for the term. Shann and I were sat in the living room, since we had already studied. “We need to hang out with some people! I’m bored stiff!” Shannon moaned “no one’s free today. R5 are sightseeing and 5SOS are rehearsing all day. Plus, I’m a person! Why can’t we just hang out?” I suggested, but she clearly wasn’t listening, her gaze was somewhere else. “What about One Direction?” she asked after a while, I stared at her weirdly. We barely knew them! But, I guessed it would be a good thing since we were performing with them in two days, so we might need some ‘bonding time’. “I doubt that they’ll want to spend time with us. And knowing them, they’ll be busy” I sighed, I knew that was the complete opposite of what I said, but it was true “they have to! I doubt that they’ll be busy and not hang out with us” Shann exclaimed “why are you so sure?” I asked, she hesitated for a second then smiled to herself “I asked then a few hours ago. I’m meeting up with them in a bit at Starbucks.”  Stared at her again with my mouth wide open. How could she say that so casually? Then it sunk in… 1D! “Oh… my… GOD!” I screamed “shhh! Do you want to come?” She asked “yeah!” I squilled “come on then. We’ll go now” she walked over to the door and put her shoes and coat on, I followed and then we walked out the door.

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