Chapter 7 WOW! Part 35

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After we had done all of the songs, we all started to pack our things away. Then, we started to go home. Just as we got to the door, we were stopped by Zayn running towards us yelling our names. We all turned to him and he stopped “we need to tell you something. We completely forgot.” He explained, we all looked at him as if to say “okay… what?” but instead of telling us, he walked away and we all followed.

We ended up backstage once again and the boys were all lined up. Then, Louis stepped forward “you guys were amazing today” he started, smiling “and we were having so much fun today that we forgot to tell you…” he trailed off. Harry was the next to say something “we have decided to add a band to the opening. You’re still going to play, but we thought that since we had loads of fun with this band as well, it would be really cool if they joined the tour” Harry explained. We all nodded and then Liam said “have you heard of the band 5 Seconds of Summer?” we all froze. “You’re… kidding… right?” Abby said slowly. Showing no emotion. “Nope. Their coming on tour with us” Niall grinned “we… know them. We’ve been friends with them forever.” Shann explained. I just stood there frozen. Horror all over my face. I felt like I was about to be sick. “What’s wrong with her?” Louis asked them, pointing at me “um… well… she sort of…” Ellie trailed off “Luke is my ex” I choked, then swallowed hard “and I haven’t spoken to him since we broke up… which was over a year ago”

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