Chapter 8 5 Seconds of awkwardness, part 40

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After dinner, we all walked back home. It wasn’t a far walk and their hotel was near our house, like I said earlier, so it was an easy thing to do. Ell and Shann were talking a lot and I giggled at the fact that she used to like him. “What’s so funny?” Ross asked, he was walking beside me, we held hands with our fingers entwined with each other “just thinking about the past…” I answered “is that what you were doing earlier?” he asked, and I nodded slightly “sort of, yeah. I was thinking about our trip to Mexico with 5SOS” he immediately slowed down in shock, but I pulled him along “was it because Luke is back?” he asked, he sounded a little shy. I looked at him as I realised that he was acting like this because he thought it was because I still had feelings for Luke. I stopped us both and kissed Ross, shocking him at first, then he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled back and smiled at him “no. I was thinking about the fact that you wrote a song for me because of that trip” I grinned “oh” he grinned back, then kissed me again

(Abby’s POV)

I felt so rejected right now! Ross and Katelyn were having a lovey-dovey moment, Shann was flirting with Ell and he was flirting back, and Rydel, Rocky and Riker were all having a deep conversation! I was just walking alone like the loner I was. “Abby?” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around slowly, and gasped slightly. There, walking up to me, was Harry freakin’ Styles! “Hi Harry” I greeted, trying to contain the fangirl inside me “wow. You look stunning, love” Harry smirked, I blushed and looked down “well… thanks. I just went out for dinner with my friends and now we’re all walking back” I pointed to the group who were now quite a head of me “well, why did you look so sad?” he asked “oh, I wasn’t, I just wasn’t talking to anyone” I explained “aww, poor you!” he laughed and I playfully hit his chest and pouted “it’s not funny!” I said, trying to contain my laughter, since his laugh ALWAYS made me laugh. “You’re right. Hey, if you want, I’ll walk with you?” he asked “weren’t you going somewhere?” I asked him “nope. Just going for a stroll. Clearing my head” he explained, I nodded and said “well in that case, sure. We’ll walk together and if you want, you can stay over” I grinned, he smiled at me, showing his incredibly cute dimples, and nodded “I’d love that. Come on, let’s go” he said, then we both started to walk back to my house.

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