Chapter 5 Good news. Bad timing Part 23

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After a while, the boys had to go because they needed to tell their band about the break and then record some new music and do some interviews. I ran up to my room to call and tell someone. I just had to! Then, before I knew it, I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear… I was calling Brad. We had always had this thing about telling each other every bad and good thing that happened to us as soon as it happened. I guess that it was just a reflex now… “Hi. It’s Brad. Leave a message… or don’t” his voicemail said, I gasped, he changed his voicemail! It used to be him saying “HELLO! IT’S BRADLY SIMPSON! LEAVE A MESSAGE! But if its Katelyn then just keep calling me, I’ll probably answer at some point”. Wait, did he change it because I was mentioned in it? Was he really that mad? I sighed stressfully, then realised that the beep had gone off and I had to leave a message… I just had to. I took a deep breath, then poured my heart out “hey Brad. It’s me, Katelyn. I don’t know what to say. I just… we’ve always had a thing about telling each other every good and bad thing that happens and I just wanted to tell you that 4 wishes is going on tour with 1D! It’s amazing! But… its nothing compared to the bad thing that happened to me last night. I think I’ve lost my best friend. And it hurts. He meant the world to me and we were so close, but I was stupid, and now I don’t think he’ll ever talk to me again-“ I broke down and started to sob as I continued –“ I-I’m so s-sorry Brad! I never wanted to hurt you! I… I hope you can forgive me someday… because I don’t want our friendship t-to end. I’m just… so, so sorry” I hung up and cried into my pillow. Harder than I had ever cried before. I didn’t say goodbye to him because I knew that if I had then it would have felt like it was our last goodbye. I just didn’t want to lose him.

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