Chapter 3 Oh... My... Direction!?! Part 16

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"OMG IT'S TIME!!!" Ellie squilled at about half 11. I was asleep on the sofa, Shan was on her phone, and Abby was watching a video on youtube. I groaned, looking at Ellie who was jumping up and down with her phone pressed against her ear, he eyes glowed with excitement "is it really that big of an event?" I croaked in my sleepy voice, laughing a bit at her reaction to all of this "YES! now shhh! He's gonna pick up in 3...2...1...Hey! Stacy! It's Ellie, can you put the big man on the phone? Thanks!" Even her voice was filled with excitement, which made me want to know what was happening even more! I had never really liked surprises, they were like secrets, and they made me feel... left out, like everyone knew something that I didn't, which is frustrating! "Hello Sir. Yeah it's me. How have you been?... Good! Fantastic!... you know my gig in a couple of months?...yeah, that one! Can I perform with my new band?... No, please, Sir! I promise we won't disappoint you! Just please, give us a chance!... you trust me, right? When have I ever let you down? Even look on youtube to see the charity event from a few months ago!... okay... thank you for your time" she finally pulled the phone away from her ear, all of her excitement had vanished, as if it was never there. She sat next to me and we all looked at her "so... what happened?" Shan finally asked "well... um... I'll tell you later" she mumbled "okay" I smiled slightly, rubbing her back comfortingly.

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