Chapter 11 Well that happened, part 54

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It was now quite late and we were sitting in an empty field. Paul had taken us here since the town was getting too crowded. We had actually all become closer now. There were no fans here and it was quiet. We were all just sat down, except for Shann and Zayn, who were on the other end of the field talking. I was quiet, thinking about Brad and Ross. I wasn’t even sure if I loved Ross as much as I thought I did.

After a while, I sighed and got up and walked away from everyone to the other end of the field. “Are you okay?” I turned around and saw a worried Liam stood in front of me “yeah” I whispered “then why are you crying?” he asked, I hadn’t even noticed that my cheeks were soaked in tears. I quickly wiped my cheeks with my sleeve “I didn’t know I was” I mumbled, he sighed and pulled me into a warm, comforting hug. I didn’t start to cry, I just hugged him back, a little shocked that he had hugged me in the first place. He pulled away and looked at me “tell me” he looked into my eyes “it’s complicated” I muttered “I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up” he grinned.

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