Chapter 6 What? Part 28

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We had gotten the shopping and the Starbucks, now all we needed was to pick up the pizza. Abby walked around the corner to the street the pizza place was on before me and gasped. She grabbed me and pulled me away “on second thought, we can just get the pizza delivered” she hissed, I pulled away from her and looked at her weirdly, what the hell was she on about? It was only around the corner “there’s no point. We’re already here” I said, about to walk around the corner, but she grabbed my arm again “I’ll get it. You go home” she ordered, but I shook my head “no. What the hell is wrong?” I asked, but she just sighed and let me go, I was just about to walk around the corner, when I suddenly hit something… actually someone! “Oh, sor-“I started, but when I looked up, I choked on my words and felt the tears start to sting the back of my eyes. There, in front of me, was none other than Bradley F-ing Will Simpson! He looked down at me then he looked away faster than I thought possible. He looked at Abby and gave her an awkward smile “hi Abby. How have you been?” he asked, his voice cracked and I could see that his eyes were slightly red and puffy. Had he been crying? I looked down and saw his fists were clenched shut tightly. I backed away slowly, slightly scared of him and what he would do, and then Abby grabbed my arm AGAIN and pulled me backwards so I was slightly behind her “what the hell do you care?” she spat “wow. Sorry, look I know we haven’t spoken for a while. But no need to be so mean” he said, his eyes glued to hers “stop ignoring Katelyn then we’ll talk! You’re being so dramatic! Grow up and stop being a baby, then I’ll consider being less mean” she screamed, earning a few confuse glances from random people. Brad looked at her confused “why the hell would I do that? I’m not being a baby. You just need to stop being so uptight and actually relax for a bit. You’re just jealous that you can’t let go like I can.” He smirked, Abby was prepared to slap him and I could tell. I held her shoulder, trying to stop her from doing something, but she shook it off and yelled “DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO ALL OF US? YOU HAVE MADE TRISTAN, YES TRISTAN EVANS IN YOUR BAND, CRY! YOU ARE SPLITTING UP NOT JUST ONE FRIENDSHIP BUT SERVERAL!!! SHANN AND TRIS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT EVEN SEE EACH OTHER ANYMORE!! YOU’RE RUINING EVERYONES RELATIONSHIPS! JUST GROW UP AND REALISE THAT EVERYTIHNG YOU HAVE IS ON THE VERGE OF FALLING APART” and with that, she grabbed my arm, for the fourth time, and we sped-walked to the pizza place. Leaving brad stood there with a shocked look on him face. Did that really just happen? “He is such a UGH!” Abby shouted, and everyone turned to her, a little scared “I know. But was that really necessary?” I asked, trying to calm her down “yes. He was bloody ignoring you! After all of this, you’d think he’d at least say something to you” she said, taking a deep breath at the end, trying to calm down “its fine. I swear” I lied. It was the complete opposite of fine. Inside, I felt like I was dying. My heart was breaking. This was really the end of our friendship, wasn’t it?

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