Chapter 3 Oh...My...Direction!?! Part 19

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As soon as Tom left and we got into our PJ's, we sat downstairs and started to decide what films we should watch. It was Friday, so we were going to pull an all nighter girls night! We also invited Rydel, but she couldn't come because she was doing a gig with R5 in LA. "how about this film? It's called Tell Us What That Was About" Shan held up an empty DVD case infront of Ellie's face and Ellie looked at the floor "naaa, lets watch Frozen instead" she said, looking up. We all sighed and Shan dropped the case onto the floor "why can't you tell us?" Abby moaned "because... it might not even happen" Ellie looked down again "just tell us anyway" I begged, but Ellie shook her head "come on pweasseeeee" Shan pleaded "no, guys! This is a surprise!" Ellie got up and stormed upstair. Abby, Shan and I all exchanged confused and worried glances. Why was this so important that this would happen? Then, we heard Ellie's phone go off from inside her bag, we ran to it and saw that it was a text from an unknown number it said;

Hey E

We just wanted to text you saying that your band is really good! We loved your cover of "You and I". Simon told us about what you wanted to do for your band and its really sweet of you. We have been told to consider 4 wishes tonight and make our final decision in the morning. So far, its looking good for you guys :)

From the boys x

After we read it, ours mouths dropped to the floor. "D-do you g-guys think..." Abby stuttered, trailing off at the end, Shan turned to her and nodded slowly "no way" I breathed. Ellie was trying to get us to play with ONE DIRECTION ON THEIR TOUR!

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