Chapter 10 Never again, part 49

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(Katelyn’s POV)

Sadly, we did move and it was now the next day. We were now all in the O2 rehearsing for the show. 5SOS were here this time so it was going to be the full concert. 5SOS had just played their part of the opening act and now it was our turn.

As we walked on stage, we had to talk to the ‘audience’ for a few minutes until they had set up our instruments. For now the audience was just everyone who worked at the O2 who weren’t doing anything during the concert and all the choreographers, stylists, Simon and Tom. Plus the bands when they weren’t performing. “Okay girls. Just talk about yourselves. Say your names and how you got here. Just remember most people won’t know who you are, no offence” Tom said. We nodded and started to just talk about our story.

After that, we all went to our instruments and got ready to play. “Okay, so here is our first song, I wish you would” Ellie said to the ‘audience’ and I began to play my guitar for the beginning of the song


Shannon: It's 2 AM in your car. Windows down, you pass my street, the memories start. You say it's in the past, you drive straight ahead. You're thinking that I hate you now, 'Cause you still don't know what I never said.

All: I wish you would come back, Wish I never hung up the phone like I did. And I wish you knew that I'll never forget you as long as I live. And I wish you were right here, right now, it's all good. I wish you would

When we finished the song, we were told to go straight into playing dear future husband, then title and then sledgehammer. Only after that were we allowed to talk to the crowd for a while and walk around stage. But for now, we were just going to have a little break and sit down with the boys. “You were great” Harry instantly complimented as we sat down in some random seats and grabbed some drinks “thanks. Only a few more songs and then we’re all up there” Abby replied gulping down half of her drink “and we get to sit down here and watch you” Calum chuckled leaning back and putting his hands behind his head with a cheeky grin. “Hey, you know that mashup we found the other day?” I suddenly questioned. I had just remembered randomly. There was this mashup of Kiss you and Boss that Shann had made the other day and it was really good. She had sent it to Zayn through twitter and he showed it to the boys and they said it was really good. “Yeah… what about it?” Louis asked leaning forward since he was sat behind me “well, I was thinking, we’ve all heard it so… maybe we could perform it?” I looked at them all and they were all just looking at me with the same weird expressions on their faces “how did we not think of that before?” Harry muttered to the boys and then they turned to me and nodded “that sounds great! It’s different, we’ve never done something like that before” Zayn smiled “but of course, we need to ask Simon first” Liam stated. “That won’t be too hard” Abby shrugged “girls, we’re ready for you” a man suddenly called “we’ll be back soon” Shann said and we all got up and left.

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