Chapter 14 I like you, part 68

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As soon as the music finished the lights went off and I quickly put my guitar down and sprinted off stage. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stop in time and I ran straight into someone. And that someone was Brad. “Sorry” I gulped, not knowing what he would do. But he just smiled down at me “still clumsy, I see?” he whispered with a wonder-filled expression. We just stared at each other for ages while the world just passed us by, until he finally choked out the words “I’m sorry” I looked at him with apologetic eyes and smiled “its okay. I’m sorry too. This is all my fault. I didn’t think about the consequences and I was selfish” I said “no. I overreacted. I feel like an idiot for doing this. Abby came to see me the other day and told me how hurt you’re been-“he tried to explain, but I cut him off without thinking “she did?” I asked, then it sunk in that I had interrupted “sorry. Carry on” I whispered, looking down “its fine. That’s really all she said. She gave me your album and tickets for tonight, so I came.” He felt his eyes looking down at me and I smiled slightly “but, why?” I whispered “because I could never miss something this big. Even if I was mad.” He explained. “Tris told me how you were taking it as well. And I think you were worse than me. So I think I should be the one apologising the most” I said looking up, but not daring to look him in the eyes “he did? Well, even if I was bad and even if I was annoyed. I’m here now and this can go back to normal. If you want it to. I’ll just have to get used to the fact that you and Ross are together” he smiled at me warmly and I looked him in the eye “um...” I started “I broke up with him” I muttered “what? Really?” Brad gasped, stepping away from me “yeah” I mumbled, he wasn’t making me feel any better about it “please say that it wasn’t because of me” Brad half begged. I gave him a look so that he would know my answer was a yes and I bit my lip “oh my god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to go that far” he paused and took a step closer to me. He was now so close that I could feel his breath on the top of my head “there were other reasons as well. But that was the main one” I suddenly blurted out and his expression didn’t change “at least I can tell you now…” he whispered. I looked at him confused and then he stroked a piece of my hair behind my ear “the reason I acted the way I did was because…” he trailed off and then bit him lip. He then closed his eyes and opened his mouth to say the words. At first, nothing came out, but then, finally, he said the last thing I expected him to say “I like you, Katelyn”. I froze. I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless.

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