Chapter 8 5 Seconds of awkwardness, part 39

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The restaurant hardly had any people in it. We were probably the only group here, everyone else seemed to be on dates and were also mainly old couples. As soon as we got to our table, we sat down and ordered some drinks and some starters. R5 hadn’t gotten here yet, so we just sat there. Bored. Shann went on her phone, so did Abby. But, I was just thinking about this time 2 years ago, when we went on holiday with R5 and 5SOS. AKA the inspiration behind Pass Me By, the song by R5.


Shann, Abby and I were in Mexico with R5 and 5sos. We all wanted to meet each other. But, the vamps were busy the weekend that we arranged it all. We only stayed there for 2 days. The first night, we all hung out and Ross never said anything to me. Not even a hello. The first night, we had a camp fire and there… Luke asked me out. I hesitated and then said yes after a while. The next day, Ross was acting kind of…strange. He was acting like he didn’t have a care in the world, but everyone could see in his eyes that he was hiding something. After that stage, he started to show off a bit, like he was constantly trying to get someone’s attention. That night, we were all dancing by the lake and I couldn’t help but look at Ross and how much fun he seemed to be having, but he caught me and I started to blush.

Sadly, when we got back, my relationship with Luke only lasted about 10 months, then I broke up with him because it was such a long distance relationship. I told Ellington and obviously he told Ross, and then, Ross wrote Pass Me By! He told me all of this about a week after we started dating. Which made me feel nice inside.

*present day*

“Kate?” I looked up, snapping out of my trance, and smiled as I saw Ross standing next to my chair “hey, Ross!” I stood up and hugged him “are you okay? You were zoned out for ages! We got here about 5 minutes ago, but you didn’t even look up” he pulled away and I nodded, he looked really concerned, but I decided that it wasn’t that important “I was just thinking” I admitted “finally, Kate! You were actually beginning to scare me” I looked around and saw that Rocky, Riker, Rydel and Ellington were all sat around the table. I blushed as Ell started laughing at me, I felt a little stupid, but it was kind of nice to think back to those times and then know that they were still here. None of them were really being sociable, everyone was on their phones, except for Ell, Ross and I. “Well, I’m zoned-in now. So… yeah” I stuttered, then sat back down “you look really pretty tonight” Ross complimented, sitting down next to me and kissing me cheek. “Thanks” I blushed again “you do too” Ell nudged Shann and she looked up from her phone, looking really confused “what? What did you say?” she asked, I giggled at her and she looked even more confused “you look amazing” Ell sighed “oh… thanks” Shann smiled, then put her phone away “what were you doing?” I asked her “oh, texting Ellie and noting down a few song lyrics. She told me that Simon and Tom want us to release an album before the 1D tour starts” Shann shrugged casually, I stared at her with my mouth open “and you didn’t think to tell me!” I screeched, she shrugged again “well… we have quite a few songs already, we only need a few more and YOU need to write a solo song!” she said “but we aren’t even signed! How are we going to make an album if we aren’t even signed?” I asked “Tom said that he and Simon would both release it so that it will be an official album, but, when we do get signed, they can easily change the album to that label” Shann explained “don’t you mean IF you get signed?” Ell asked “well, thanks, that sure helps us with our confidence! Sorry if I’m not miss doubtful!” she rolled her eyes sarcastically “but he is right. And what if they want us to change our image? What if they hate the album?” I panicked “Tom and Simon won’t let that happen. If they don’t like us for us then they aren’t worth it” Shann said, I nodded and then carried on with the night.

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