Chapter 5 Good news. Bad timing Part 22

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After I had got dressed into a T-shirt and some tracksuit bottoms, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and ran downstairs. The others had freshened up as well. They were all on their phones in the living room. They all looked up at me and smiled slightly "we know Brad has unfollowed you on everything. Are you okay?" Shan asked, I nodded and walked into the kitchen, not wanting to think about it. Abby followed and stood beside me "I'm sorry for-" she started, but I cut her off "for inviting Brad. I know. But seriously, it's okay" I smiled slightly and she nodded. "Come into the living room or a second, we need to tell you something. It's good news, don't worry" she seemed unsure, but I followed her into the living room and sat down with her on the sofa "what is it?" I asked them all, praying that it wasn't about last night "I just got a text from Simon and he said that we should be expecting a contact request and a Skype call soon” Ellie explained, turning her MacBook on. Then, Shannon turned to face me “are you really okay?” she was looking at me as if to say that she knew I wasn’t, but I was still going to try and convince her “yeah. Brad’s just overreacting” I sighed. Just then, Ellie squilled and we all looked at her, a bit scared to be honest “quick! Get into the kitchen!” she yelled, and before we could say anything we were all being dragged and pushed into the kitchen. “Stay here. Seriously!” she ordered, then we heard the Skype sound go off and Ellie ran to her MacBook. We all stood in the doorway and tried to see who was on the screen, but she turned in away “hey” she grinned at the screen “hi” said the person on the Skype call, it sounded familiar but it was hard to tell since the connection was bad “so, before we say anything else, I want to introduce you guys to my 3 friends” she was still grinning, then she got up and beaconed us over to her, we walked slowly over to her and looked at the screen. We all screamed and covered our mouths. We couldn’t believe our eyes! One Direction were on the screen! “This is Shannon, our drummer, Abby, our bass guitarist, and Katelyn, our guitarist” Ellie introduced, pointing at us all individually. They all chuckled at our reactions to them “well… you obviously know who we are… and we just want to tell you the good news” Louis smiled, we nodded and then Liam cleared his throat “we want to let you know that we have made the decision” he started, and we all held our breath “and… we have decided that you will be our opening band” he finished, but before we could say anything, he continued to say “we think that you’re all incredible musicians. So, if you want to, we were all wondering if you wanted to be our band for the tour. Our band deserves a break and you are just amazing” we all nodded and they smiled. I couldn’t believe it! We were going to go on tour with 1D!

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